Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What can stem cells do for you?

Stem cells are so diverse and can be used for so many things. Most people know about how it can potentially help with cancer. This is true. Cancer could be lessened maybe possibly even cured. All they have to do is make the cells form into whatever organ or tissue that you need and your cured. everything in your body is ok and put back to normal. Most people a;so know that it can help change or cure certain uncurable dieseases. Dieseases occur when there are mutations in the body or cells dna. brand new cells can be made into new cells that have no mutations or problems in it. Then everything is good again. i think that one day, they can be used to make whole body parts. For people that lose limbs are that need organs and body parts. This will be helpful because then everyone can fit into this society as being "normal". Also people that become paralyzed can become un paralyzed. So many medical marvels could come out of these little cells. I do believe that clones of people would be taking it too far. we dont need that? What good could possibly come from that?

Stem cell dilemma

Ok the main thing that goes hand in hand with stemcell research, is the question, is it ethical? Well that is a good question. What people dont understand is that there are two sides to that question. You see, the pluripotent cells, or the cells that come from unborn children, are very good for stem cells. What stem cells do, or what scientists are trying to perfect, is that they take the cells and then try and form them or teach them to grow as whatever they want them to turn into. So lets say that you have liver cancer, they would take cells and make them grow into a liver or part of a liver. The reason they use pluripotent cells is because they dont have assgnments to be something so that they are easier to turn into other cells. So that is the explanation of why they are used. Yes you can use adult cells but they are just not easy to make into whatever a scientist wants. so personally when i look at the subject, i think that they are needed.
Now the other side is, is it unethical. This will be widely diverse. some people will say and and some will say no. I think that as long as it isnt a fully grown baby its fine. I mean its a baby that no one wants or they come from cryogenic labs that have sperm and eggs but they are too old to do anything with. So what if theyre used for science. It would be atleast used for something besides being thrown away.